Vejer de la Frontera
About 50 km west of Tarifa lies the white village Vejer de la Frontera on a plateau above the river Barbate, about 200 meters above sea level. Already in the Palaeolithic and Bronze Age there existed settlements here.
The different architectural styles are still clearly visible. In the narrow streets, the different cultures of Arabs, Jews and Christians who inhabited the city over the centuries mix. At the highest point of the old town you can find the former Moorish castle from the 10th/11th century. The old city centre is enclosed by the city wall with its four gates and three towers.
The Plaza de España is the best place to start exploring the labyrinth of alleys in the old town. At almost every corner you will find something interesting: the city wall, the cobbled streets of the Jewish quarter, churches, monuments but also endless snow-white alleys and small patios decorated with flowers. From the outskirts of the city you can also enjoy the beautiful view over the flat countryside.
The bus between Tarifa and Cádiz stops daily at the foot of the mountain on which Vejer lies, but doesn't go all the way to the village. It is therefore advisable to have your own car.