Report on Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)

Our photo identification of Bottlenose Dolphins proves that this species is resident in the Strait of Gibraltar. However, there is now a steady decline in average group size. There are several possible reasons for this:
- It might be a change in the group dynamics.
- The morbillivirus epidemic could also have an impact on the species. The population of Bottlenose Dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar did not seem to be affected by this virus at first, but perhaps just not as severely.
- In 2017, a law to protect the Orcas came into force. The improved protection of Killer Whales could have a negative impact on the populations of Pilot Whales and Bottlenose Dolphins, because both species may suffer from the tense relationship with the Orcas.
It does not seem that malnutrition due to commercial fishing is the cause, as according to a PhD thesis by Susana García Tiscar from 2009, Bottlenose Dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar feed on other fish species. From time to time, however, we observe thin animals (with visible ribs).
We observe the playful behaviour typical of Bottlenose Dolphins especially at the beginning of the season. According to our records, however, this behaviour decreases continuously throughout the season. It could be a natural periodicity depending on the mating season, causing the Bottlenose Dolphins to socialise more in spring. Or maybe they have got enough of whale watchers towards the end of the season.
Keydata from annual reports
- Photo ID of Bottlenose Dolphins suggests that also this species is resident in the Strait of Gibraltar
- Photo ID demonstrates that this species is resident in the Strait of Gibraltar. In the Strait we have four resident and six migrating cetaceans
- Largest pod: about 120 animals
- It looks like their population is growing
- Largest pod: about 200 animals
- It looks like a healthy population
- Largest pod: about 200 animals
- Bottlenose Dolphins seem not to be affected by the morbillivirus epidemic as the Pilot Whales are
- Largest pod: 120 animals
(The largest pods of Bottlenose Dolphins and Pilot Whales were only half as large as those of the season 2008)
- Sighted in "normal" numbers until middle of season
- Started to vanish after midseason, which is reflected in an overall 40 % drop of sightings compared to the season of 2009
- Largest pod: 200 animals
- Only once sighting of a large pod of 110 dolphins in the second half of the season, in September
- More dolphins in the first half of the season
- Largest pods with 100+15 and 120+20 adults+calves in June
- More dolphins in the first half of the season (until July)
- In July: pod of 65+15 adults + calves
(Only half the size than the largest one of the last season)
- More dolphins at the beginning of the season (April, May)
- April: pod with 130+20 adults+calves
- July: pod of 88 animals
- October: pod of 70 animals
- Rest of the season: pods of less than 50 animals
- Population seems to be stable at first in the Strait of Gibraltar
- Larger pods with 50 – 95 animals from March to September
- Largest pod: 80+15 adults+calves on August 3rd
- Most babies and newborn in July, August and September (until late summer, same as Pilot Whales)
- Average pod size: 20 animals (2013 it was 22 -; until 2007 still 24,5 animals)
- Large pods of 51 to 88 animals from June to October
- Largest pod of 101 animals (inlcuding 10 calves and 1 newborn) on April 19th
- Calves throughout the summer
- Most newborn from July to September
- Average pod size: 16 animals
- Larger pods of 50 and more animals from May to August
- Largest pod of 170 animals on Mai 7th
- August 29th: 155 animals
- Calves throughout the summer, most from May to July
- Most newborn in August and September
- Average pod size: 15,8 animals
- Larger pods of more than 50 animals from April to September
- Largest pods of 100 and 120 animals on June 15th and August 2nd respectively
- Calves throughout the summer, most of them in April and May
- Only 8 newborn from April to September, 3 of them in July
- Overall, the newborn appeared one month earlier than those of the last season
- Average pod size: 12 animals
- Larger pods of 40 and more Bottlenose Dolphins in July, August and October
- Largest pod of 56 animals at August 9th
- Average pod size: 12 animals (constant decrease since 1999)
- Calves throughout the season, most of them in August
(normally we observe most of them from April to June) - 46 sightings of newborn from May to November
- Larger groups of 40 and more Bottlenose Dolphins throughout the summer
- Largest pod of 75 animals, including 5 calves (April 12th)
- Average group size: 12.4 animals (steady decrease since 1999)
- Calves: all summer long
- 20 sightings of a total of 23 newborn (May to November)
The steady decrease in group size since 1999 has experienced a slight "recovery" this year but remains a cause for concern. According to a 2009 PhD thesis by Susana García Tiscar, the Bottlenose Dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar feed on different species of fish than those affected by commercial fishing. Therefore, malnutrition is not likely to be the most probable cause, although we do occasionally see lean animals (where the ribs are visible).
- Larger pods of more than 20 Bottlenose Dolphins throughout the summer.
- Average group size: 11 animals
- Calves throughout the summer (most from July 21st to August 23rd)
- Only 2 sightings of one newborn each (12th and 19th of August)
Due to Corona, the season was limited to the period from the 1st of July to the 07th of September. On 26 days (38 %) no trips could take place due to bad weather.
- Larger pods of more than 20 Bottlenose Dolphins (July 03rd – October 29th)
- largest pod:
- 210 animals (July 06th)
- 200 animals (September 16th)
- 100 animals, including 1 calf (October 21st)
- Average group size: 12 animals
- Calves throughout the whole shortened season
Calf groups of 5-10 (June 18th - September 29th) - several sightings of newborns (Juni 25th - Oktober 02nd)
from August 25th to September 29th even six times 2 and once 3 newborns at the same time
Due to Corona, the season was limited to the period from June 18th to October 29th. On 43 of these days (32%) no trips could take place due to weather conditions.
- Largest pods of 30 – 50 Bottlenose Dolphins from May to September (most in August/September)
- Largest pods of 100 animals, of which approx. 20 calves (April 17th)
- Average group size: 12 animals
- Calves throughout the season (mostly from 21.7.-23.8.)
- A total of 47 newborns (June 03rd - October 25th, most in August/September).
Of the 214 days in the season (1.4.-31.10.2022), no trips could take place on 84 days (39%) due to weather conditions.
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