firmm Blog

Searching for Orcas with eagle eyes

David stood on top of the boat, on the small platform that is even above the fly deck, in order to have an excellent overall view. For the windier it is, the more difficult it gets to spot the animals in the whitecaps.

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A rare guest

On July 19th at 20.35 on the last trip of the day we had the rare luck to see a Minke Whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata).  This does not happen very often here in the Strait of Gibraltar.

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The Orcas go for a spin again

It wasn't long before we spotted the Orcas divided into different groups. They took no notice of us because they were busy trying to get tuna off the fishermen's lines.

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Whale & Dolphin Camp 2023

The adolescents were introduced to the world of whales and dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar and joined five trips with the foundation firmm to observe whales.

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Sperm Whale days

From a distance, we could not yet tell that it was really Observador. The Sperm Whale was swimming towards the Atlantic and began to turn very slowly when he heard us.

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Breaking News

Knowing that they could offer the guests on the first trip a special surprise, the crew set off at 10.30 in good spirits towards the Atlantic, precisely towards the fishermen waiting there.

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Pia in the wilderness

The programme consists of Pia having to photograph 3 species, which can be animals or plants, and therefore she seeks the help of professionals.

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We are back!

April 11th can only be described as "a great Sperm Whale Day". The crew on board had a veritable competition to see who would spot the next Sperm Whale.

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A look back at the summer of 2022

Our marine biologist Jörn Selling reports about the positive and negative impressions of the last season in his photo review. Sit back and take the images in.

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24th firmm meeting on February 25th, 2023, in Aarau

"Finally in Tarifa again!" The enthusiasm is written all over Sam Notz's face. The elder son of firmm founder Katharina Heyer travelled with his family to Spain to celebrate her 80th birthday in July 2022.

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