firmm Blog

23rd firmm meeting on the 26th of February 2022 in Aarau

The 23rd firmm meeting took place in Aarau on the 26th of February, after last year's event had to be cancelled due to the Corona pandemic.

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Review sponsored animals 2021

This year the season lasted from the 18th of June to the 31st of October 2021. Thanks to little wind, except for a 10-day Levante period in October, we were able to enjoy many sight-seeing trips.

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About the wisdom of children (part four)

As every year at the end of the season, Edeltraud summarises the most interesting children's questions and answers them in detail.

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Whale Poo Ambassadors

When we were contacted by the Dutch foundation "Rugvin" about their " Whale Poo Ambassador" programme, it sounded strange and funny at first.

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About the offspring of Orcas

On the 6th of August we had enough time to observe the female Orca Lucia and her two cubs: Lucia caught a tuna, which she passed on to her daughter Estrella, who is about 3 years old.

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Orcas like sailing boats

Some Orcas in the Strait of Gibraltar love sailing boats to bits. This is how you could describe their new behaviour since the end of the corona-related lockdown in Spain.

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About the relationship between Sperm Whales and Pilot Whales

The interaction between these two whale species described here is not an isolated case. Although Orcas are the greatest natural threat to Sperm Whales (apart from humans of course), they have also been observed being chased by Pilot Whales.

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Sensational ORCA days!

They managed to catch a very large tuna; the tail fin was still sticking out of the mouth of one of the females. They were enjoying the feast.

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A warm thank you for a great week with firmm

Excursions and field biology trips are often the order of the day during a biology degree. I believe that it is the time away from the lecture hall that is most vividly remembered and often groundbreaking.

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One of the Killer Whales seemed particularly curious, swimming under the boat, leaning a little to the side and looking us straight in the eye. This moment burned itself into my memory so strongly and it simply would not leave me.

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