firmm Blog

Mondrino part 1 - Maternal Instinct

Many of you have maybe seen in documentary films how a duck protects her chicks against the approaching fox: she pretends having one wing broken and this way manages to detract the fox from her chicks.

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Curro - Problem child of the Strait of Gibraltar

Curro, probably the most famous pilot whale of the Strait of Gibraltar, got his publicity through a tragic accident.

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The Orca’s Diary

Our orca-sightings from 30th of June until 8th of August

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First sighting of Orcas of the season!

For several days we had heard that there were orcas in the region and that they were stealing the tuna of the local Spanish and Moroccan fishermen. Unfortunately, the weather was not great either. During the daytime the Levante was too strong. It would have been possible to move out with the boat, but returning would have been rather difficult as we would have lost too much time doing a detour. Therefore, we had to wait till the 30th of July for convenient weather conditions and finally were able to announce the first orca-trip we had been waiting for for so long.

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June happenings – sightings and incidents

A summary with pictures of the most interesting happenings in June.

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Mondrino/Pigmento shows her two calfs!

Mondrino/Pigmento came to show off her calfs. 2007 she was already accompanied by a little Sperm whale which seemed to be 2-3 years old. As we had already assumed, another calf was born in the winter of 2010, which we spotted for the first time today.

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Extraordinary sightings in the Bay of Gibraltar

Extraordinary sightings in the bay of Algeciras on may 14th and may 16th 2011

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Jörn, the father of cats in Tarifa

Jörn is not only our marine biologist, but also the father of cats here in Tarifa.

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APRIL Moodiness

APRIL Moodiness …

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New season – new hurdles

Already before the regular season was opened, we encountered the first difficulty. In March we had been told that there was an important change...

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