firmm Blog

Turtle rescue number two or «Man over board»

Normally these animals are not seen very often and if a boat approaches them usually they dive off very rapidly. However the sighted sea turtle did not dive off; its left side stayed at the surface

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An orca spectacle

On the 13th of July 2013 the orcas were sighted by our foundation back in the Strait of Gibraltar for the first time this year. On the prowl to find a special delicacy, the Red Tuna, the orcas usually gather in the Strait at the beginning of summer

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An unique afternoon with Mathilda, a Pilot whale, and her calf

We left Tarifa harbor with our boat, the firmm Spirit, on June 21st 2013, a sunny but for summertime still a bit chilly afternoon. The sea was very calm, guaranteeing a relaxing trip.

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Drawing contest at Tarifa`s schools for world oceans day

For the fifth time firmm invited Tarifa`s schools to attend a drawing competition. Occasion was the world oceans day on the 8th of June.

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Kidnapping of a newborn

On the 5th of May around 16:15 with levante of 4 Bf. we first observed a pod of 5 pilot whales near the boat – two calves approached the boat several times and also dove below it. Then we spotted a group of bottlenose dolphins about 200 meters away swimming towards us.

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15th firmm meeting

For the first time the firmm meeting was moderated by Katharina Heyers son Samuel Notz, who is also a member of the firmm foundation board. He is a new but certainly important member in the firmm team.

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Spectacle at the begin of the season

The season started with some rather bumpy tours, during which we were able to observe pilotwhales and bottlenose dolphins.

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The season 2012 – a brief retrospective

This season was pretty mild thanks to the lack of too many days of strong levante-wind, which force us to go to the Bay of Gibraltar. The most interesting trips at that Bay happen towards the end of the summer seasons (during the months of September and October) when large shoals of flying fish gather in front of the rock of Gibraltar.

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