In Andalusia, we now have a regulated protocol on how to proceed in such cases. These animals are handled by special facilities with staff who specialise in the particular species.
On 5 March 2024, Katharina Heyer shared her passion about marine mammals during an insightful and inspiring 'Lunch & Learn' event organised together with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and its World Business Women initiative.
... but at 14.30 on 1 April, the time had finally come, and we were able to leave the port of Tarifa. The entire firmm-VISION crew was delighted to finally be able to enjoy the vastness of the sea and the feeling of freedom that comes with sailing the Strait of Gibraltar!
In the 26th season we were able to observe over 300 Sperm Whales during their impressive descent and 115 Fin Whales on their way out into the Atlantic.
And suddenly they appeared: Orcas! It was a group of 11 animals, all females, juveniles and a newborn whose patch behind the eye was still completely yellow. They jumped and swam close to our boat for a long time.
I'm curious to see what the sea will offer us on this first day out after three long weeks of Levante, during which our boat had to stay in the harbour.
There is no end to the amount of interest, and we receive many enquiries from journalists and documentary filmmakers. They would love to know why the Orcas bump into sailboats. All scientists worldwide would like to know as well.
In the evening, the Centro was turned into a cinema without further ado. The tables were rolled to one side and chairs were set up. Lars put a GP-Challenge bracelet and Swiss chocolate on each chair.
David stood on top of the boat, on the small platform that is even above the fly deck, in order to have an excellent overall view. For the windier it is, the more difficult it gets to spot the animals in the whitecaps.