firmm Blog

A big surprise

On Thursday the 26th of June 2014 something happened that nobody had expected...the first Orcas of the season

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Two swimmers from Switzerland cross the Strait of Gibraltar

Already two years ago, Jürg Ammann came up with the idea to cross the Strait of Gibraltar swimming, with the intention to raise awareness for the threatened whales and dolphins living in the Strait

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Bash! – does the Sperm whale fluke

It doesn’t matter how many or how often we saw them recently, my heart always beats a little bit faster when I hear Katharina’s voice through the loudspeakers: “We have spotted a sperm whale blow”

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Six at one blow

First we saw the pilot whales yesterday. In the middle of the group, we could recognise Zackzack, one of our adopted animals

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The first Fin whales in 2014

Everybody is eagerly awaiting the return of the „Spirit” to the harbour, so that we can also leave for our tour to search for whales and dolphins

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Welcome to the season 2014

If the wonderful sightings of the first boat trips are indicative of the whole season, we can be more than content, because then it will be a good one

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firmm at the Festival de las Migraciones in Huerta Grande

The Huerta Grande is an oasis of pure nature, hidden between Algeciras and Tarifa

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Family gathering with heavyweights

Every year in February everyone gathers around her: old and new friends of the foundation firmm

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The season 2013 – a retrospective view

In the season of 2013, Tarifa has shown it´s rough and windy side; one time the notorious Levante blew for 20 days and forced us into the Bay of Gibraltar

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Mystical and breathtaking trip to the orcas

On the last trip on the 24th of October 2013 we were extremely lucky with our orca sightings

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