firmm Blog

OBSERVADORs welcome after the winter break

We know him as the only sperm whale that likes to come to the boat and observes us.

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Baby Day

...there are two blows - a big and a small one, announced Katharina.

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20th firmm gathering on February 17th 2018 in Aarau

The annual firmm meeting had a very special theme. This year the foundation celebrates its 20th anniversary!
Therefore, a large number of people came to celebrate this anniversary and to acknowledge firmm's work of many years.

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Katharina and the „Gschtabi“

Katharina sits calmly between the presenter Sonja Hasler and Edy Hubacher. On February 11th she is guest on the programme „Persönlich (Personally) of the Swiss radio channel SRF1.Over half a million listeners follow this popular radio talk show every Sunday morning.

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The Saison 2017 – a retrospective

In the season of 2017 Tarifa has once again shown its rough side.

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The University of Basel awards an honorary doctorate to Katharina Heyer

On a beautiful mild sunny day Katharina received a very special kind of recognition. She has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Basel and is now entitled to call herself Dr. h. c (honoris causa).

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Animals available for adoption in the summer of 2017

We have seen the following animals in the past summer season 2017:

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Marine Biology Course in the Strait of Gibraltar – Travel Report 2017

We were a mixed group of biologists and MSD students (Master of Sustainable Development).

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