Our oceans - our responsibility - The day of the oceans - 08th June 2009
by firmm Team
Text by Katharina Heyer, Pia Ackermann
Photos: firmm
On this year´s "day of the oceans" the children in the schools of Tarifa are making paintings dealing with the ocean, water and fishes. Just to inspire them to think, firmm has set up a competition. The 50 best paintings will be chosen within the next few days. The winners will be invited to make a trip to watch the whales and dolphins on board of "firmm spirit". In autumn, our marine biologist Jörn will continue by means of lectures. It is most important that the young generation understands that, for instance, the port of Tarifa must absolutely be kept cleaner, that the fishermen have to dispose of the used oil in a proper way after changing it, that no fishing nets should be left in the sea or that no plastic bags should be thrown on the ground to be blown into the sea during the next Levant season. There is much more to be done, just to make a small contribution to decreasing the pollution and exploitation of the sea!
C.E.I.P. "Ntra Sra de la Luz" 5. und 6. Klasse
C.E.I.P "Virgen del Sol" 5. und 6. Klasse
Right the next morning after the "day of the oceans", we understood the importance of the marine habitat. While the children are painting busily at school, the guests on our boat are watching a very active group of pilot whales. It is a large family with a lot of frisky youngsters. A group of bottlenose dolphins approaches and mingles with the pilot whales. Immediately a very bright young pilot whale imitates the tailslapping of a bottlenose dolphin.
The youngsters of that group are actually very perky, they come very close to the boat without any fear. They are curious and lift their globated heads out of the sea to observe us.
And what is going on there? A pairing! Some pilot whales are helping them by supporting the bodies of the couple. A real teamwork that serves the survival of the whole family.
While returning to the port, this very special excursion is ultimately crowned by the sighting of a fin whale.
Let us hope that the worldwide calls to action on the occasion of the day of the oceans will yield results, that pollution and exploitation will finally be stopped, so that many people as possible may be able to watch those wonderful animals in complete liberty!