Orca bonus
by Katharina Heyer
Fotos: firmm
Looking back, it seems like a bonus that the orcas gave us after a very short Orca summer.
We had only seen them between June 28th and July 16th, and then they were gone. It seemed like a miracle when Camorro and his family of nine reappeared close to the fishermen in the evening of August 15th.
We hurriedly scheduled 3 hour boat-trips for the next day and so we were able to observe them the whole day until late in the evening.
The most beautiful of all trips was for sure the last; the orcas could not be seen with the fishermen anymore and so we followed them far into the Atlantic Ocean, where we finally caught up with the slowly swimming family. They had filled up during the day and so four young ones of different ages now had time to play, jump, roll and entertain our guests very close to the boat. These were the youngest, Jara from last winter and Estrella, who was born at the end of 2016. Baby Wilson was also amongst them.
Camorro, the proud macho and the 4 females were also ready to frolic, but were also leisurely not far from the boat.
I could have stayed in this harmonious and relaxed evening atmosphere for a while longer, but at some point we had to start the very long way back. Lost in thought we reached the harbour shortly before sunset.