Gone with the wind! / 5th and 6th of April 2008
by firmm Team
Text: Nadja von Wegen and Diana Steffens
On Saturday morning the first annual two day meeting of all regional environmental organizations of the Strait of Gibraltar took place in the ornithological station of Tarifa. This meeting aimed to sensitize the population of the Strait of Gibraltar, to exchange ideas and to present the activities of the various organizations.
In spite of the strong Levante that was blowing in Tarifa that Saturday morning, everyone was in a relaxed and happy mood. In addition to good music and Spanish food there were interesting discussions between the organizers and the visitors.
Half-hour lectures were held by all participating organizations that pointed out the importance of a continued support of the projects and the necessity to sensitize the population to the endangered nature in the area of Tarifa.
The presentation of our marine biologist Jörn produced a lot of interest to young and old and met with approval.
In the evening of this first and very informative day we had an evening program with a fine barbecue, open-air cinema and good live music. We celebrated the whole night.
The members who attended the meeting among others were:
Asociación de Amigos de la Jada, Agaden, Ecologistas en Acción San Fernando, Verdemar, Asociación Cuartón Parque, Tarifa Viva, Al_Nafida, Garum, Plataform de Cuidadanos Rodeados por las Fábricas, Nerita, Agedpa, Colectivo Ornitológico Cigüeña Negra, Fundación Migres, Turmares, Whale Watch, firmm.
The meeting was organized by the Ornithological Association Cigüeña Negra (COCN), Nerita (Gaditan Association of Marine Science of the Strait of Gibraltar) and the municipal council of Tarifa.
COCN is an association that concentrates on the research, the protection and the conservation and especially cares for the birds of the region of Campo de Gibraltar. These aims are achieved by the help of a large number of volunteers and members of the COCN. Nerita is an organization that rescues stranded and injured marine mammals and collects data for indexing.
All in all we are looking favorably upon this informative weekend. Thus a first step was done and we are looking forward to the following moves.
Nadja, Ines, Diana, Manuela