Dientes (teeth) got its name because of the small "teeth" on its dorsal fin.
He has already mated with many different females. He follows his ritual of love affairs, gets involved with all groups and conquers female after female.
Dientes shows himself often and eagerly in different ways close to the firmm-boat.
Adopt Dientes
We are committed to a responsible attitude towards the sea. And you can support us! With a symbolic sponsorship you support our research and educational work in Spain. Together we can achieve a lot!
This is how we have experienced Dientes since the beginning of our adoption program:
Dientes is a big animal that recently has often been near our boat and was also present on our last trip on Monday November 03rd from 13 to 15 o'clock.
We saw Dientes without exception, together with Fernando. Dientes is somewhat smaller, and since we have never seen him with a baby, we assume he is a male. The future will show whether we are right ...
We have seen Dientes throughout the whole season, together with Fernando and a third Pilot Whale. The three seemed inseparable. We saw them over 50 times in a team of three. From time to time they also joined larger groups, for example to celebrate the birth of a young Pilot Whale on July 18th in a group of 20 Pilot Whales.