What an Orca-Weekend!

by firmm Team

Probably the most unbelievable encounters with the black and white giants...

Text: Ursina Burkhard, volunteer for firmm, photos: Ursina Burkhard and firmm

Saturday, 25th of August

We leave Tarifa harbor with the firmm fly blue in direction Atlantic, directly into the area of the fishermen; but there aren’t any. With this fact, the chances of observing Orcas diminish, the Orcas being only here because of the Red Tuna, as well as the fishermen. If they aren’t here, the Orcas don’t show up either.

But suddenly, an Orca youngster appears behind the boat. It jumps in our waves just like a small dolphin. One after another, the whole family turns up and just shortly after, we’re surrounded by 18 Orcas!

The trip’s highlight is again the calf; from backboard he’s racing towards the boat and lies on his back in the bubbly water caused by the boats engine. He plays for quite a long time with the water bubbles and entertains our guests on board with an unique show.

Orca Orca

Sunday, 26th of August

After this awesome experience on Saturday, we leave Tarifa harbor today with the firmm Spirit. The very few Pateras (Moroccan fishermen) wave and head direction Atlantic. One of them comes very close and shows, full of pride, a shark caught by them. Shocked by the view of this dead animal, we continue our search.

Suddenly, Eduardo our marinero has spotted them, far away out there in the Atlantic. After arriving at where the Orcas are, what we see is even better than our best dreams.

The 18 Orcas from the day before are back and in a playing mood. We are the only ones around; the animals are not being disturbed, not being followed by a boat, and can have great fun however they want to; and they do …

One doesn´t know anymore where to watch! Within the crystal clear water, the animals can be seen even few meters below surface.

The little ones are having fun by teasing each other, ramming in a playful way or even showing loads of courage while coming close to the boat… They’re playing boisterously, jumping around, underneath the boat, next to the boat and even in the water bubbles caused by the engine behind the boat; an adult Orca jumps out of the water right next to the boat and the impressive male „Camacho“ is passing along side with the „Matriarch“ – it’s unbelievable and will forever be unforgettable!!

Orca Orca Orca Orca Orca Orca Orca

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